News Category: information-science

Masters Program Re-Accredited To 2021

July 15, 2014


The School of Information's Master of Science in Information Studies program received notice of re-accreditation from the American Library Association. The decision was based on the Program Presentation, the External Review Panel Report, all of the reports the program submitted since the last comprehensive review, and the the June 28th meeting with the dean and chair of the ERP. The next comprehensive review visit is scheduled for Spring 2021.

iSchool Receives $1.2 Million Estate Gift to Expand Offerings

Jan. 2, 2013

AUSTIN, Texas - The School of Information (iSchool) at The University of Texas at Austin has received a $1.2 million gift from the estate of longtime librarian Mary Boyvey. The gift represents half of the estate of Boyvey, who passed away May 12 at the age of 91.