Hanlin Li


Hanlin Li is an assistant professor in the School of Information at UT Austin. research aims to inform policy and design interventions to incentivize responsible data collection and use. She examines the societal and economic impact of data generated by the public, from rating data to social media comments. Her work sits at the intersection of data governance and human-computer interaction. Li holds a Ph.D. in Technology and Social Behavior from Northwestern University. She publishes in ICWSM, ACM CHI, ACM CSCW, and ACM FAccT.


Ph.D. in Technology and Social Behavior, Northwestern University
Master of Science in Human-Centered Computing, Indiana University,
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Wuhan University

Areas Of Specialization

Responsible AI
User-generated Content
Human-Computer Interaction
Social Computing

Recent Courses

YearSemesterCourse NumberCourseSyllabusNotes
2024FallI 310UIntroduction to User Experience Design
2024SpringINF 385TSpecial Topics in Information Science: Responsible Data Management Responsible Data Management
2023FallI 310UIntroduction to User Experience Design