Spring 2020

INF 385T Special Topics in Information Science

Unique ID: 27629


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM  

Instructor: Ji Ma. Cross-listing of P A 397C, offered by the LBJ School of Public Affairs.

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https://lbj.utexas.edu/spring-2020-58670-pa-397c-advanced-empirical-methods-policy-analysis This class equips thoughtful thinkers with powerful data science skills. You will learn how to manage and work with complex and big datasets in social science research, particularly in policy and nonprofit studies. You are expected to learn the following skills and respond to big questions that have social importance: 1) Understand the structure of data and how to work with big and complex datasets; 2) Understand the workflows of acquiring and managing data; 3) Able to conduct data-intensive and replicable social science research. This class uses Python as the main programming language because life is short, you need Python.


Graduate standing.