Fall 2017

INF 382D Introduction to Information Resources and Services

Unique ID: 28225


Major reference resources and strategies useful in providing information services in libraries and other information agencies.


Detailed Course Summary: Welcome to the fall 2017 "Introduction to Information Resources and Services" (Basic Reference) course! The formal description of the course is: "Major reference resources and techniques useful for providing information services in libraries and other information agencies. Includes: examination, evaluation, and use of reference materials; community information sources; introduction to online searching; reference interviews and search strategies; library instruction for end users; and communication processes. (Graduate standing)" This means: you will develop skills to provide essential public services often provided by information settings such as libraries, museums, or archives. You will do this by learning how to listen and communicate with people who want information. And you will learn how to respond to their needs by using hundreds of sources beyond Google or Wikipedia. What are reference sources? How are they organized? How do I evaluate them? How are today's information specialists providing services today? Who are they? What can I learn from them? I am providing a copy of the fall 2016 syllabus. Note that the schedule and assignments will be refined! Old Syllabus File: https://www.ischool.utexas.edu/sites/default/files/images/webform/BRSyllabusFall2016%20%281%29.docx


Graduate standing.