Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter







Minutes, 5/15/06

Meeting opened at 12:10 p.m.

In attendance:

Sarah Quigley
Hope Rider
Sidney Tibbetts
Ed Sevcik
Gabby Redwine
Don Drumtra

I. Archives Week

Sarah reported that the deadline for the Co-op grant is tomorrow (16 May 2006). Other possible sources of funding for Archives Week include the Events Coordinating Committee, the Texas Humanities Commission, and donations (e.g., ask Hollinger and/or Metal Edge to donate supplies for the Archives Clinic).

The group discussed some possible speakers for Archives Week, including Eva Moseley. Sarah will get in touch with Dr. Galloway to ask if she has any suggestions. The goal is to make a decision and invite the person by Monday.

Sarah proposed that we wait until we have a confirmation from a keynote speaker to decide on panelists.

II. Summer Events

Sarah proposed that we schedule the brown bag with Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra for June 12 to avoid a conflict with the RBMS conference on the week of the 23rd. Sidney proposed that we start the brown bag a little late (e.g., 12:30 or 1) to enable group members with class until noon to attend. Hope suggested that we do the brown bag later in the day (e.g., 4-5) so that people who are in class from 1-4 could attend.

The group discussed the proposed tour of the LIttlefield House. Some possibilities are to have lunch and then tour the house, meet for a tour close to the end of the day on a weekday (e.g., 4), or to have the tour on a weekend. Sarah agreed to ask Dr. Gracy when he would be available to do the tour.

The group also revisited the idea of having a Bastille Day barbecue sometime during the week of July 14. The event would be a potluck similar to the Archives potlucks Dr. Gracy has at his house, except that there would be no expectation that Dr. Gracy would provide the meat. Everyone would be responsible for bringing a dish or contributing in some other way. Possible venues include a park, someone's house, or the pool/courtyard area at someone's apartment complex. Saturday during the day and Friday night were the two times people proposed, and the general consensus was that a daytime event in July might be too hot and might also interfere with people's plans. We agreed to revisit the idea at our next meeting.

Sarah proposed that SBC/UTSA archives tour take place in August, between the last day of the second summer session (8/14) and the first day of classes (8/30). Don suggested that we check with Dr. Gracy to find out whether he would be available to go during that two-week span. We also need to check with both institutions about whether touring their facilities on a Saturday would be possible.

There are no other summer SAA meetings scheduled at this time. Sarah will contact board members and iSchool students via the listservs to schedule the next meeting.

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


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Last updated February 1, 2004