Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter







Minutes, 9/11/2006

Meeting opened at 12:05 p.m.

In attendance:

Sarah Quigley
Hope Rider
Ed Sevcik
Gabby Redwine
Lisa Schmidt
Laurie Thompson
David Gracy
Grace Coy
Monica Haddad
Meg Brown
Ben Grillot
Ancelyn Krivak
Melissa Guy
Javier Garza

(Ed's Notes)
I. Fall Potluck

Sign-up list will be posted on the SAA board. Bring a lawn chair if you have one. It is likely to be crowded.

II. Alumni Event

Sarah is soliciting suggestions about location and format for this event. Possible locations include Dr. Gracy's house and the Union (catered). Bring specific suggestions for locations to the next meeting.

(Gabby's notes)

III. Archives Week 2006

Events and dates are as follows:
1. Thursday, Oct. 19, Mayor's proclamation, 5:30 at City Hall. Grace agreed to attend with Sarah.

2. Tuesday, Oct. 24, 7 p.m. in CAL 100. Keynote address: Marilyn Dunn, Executive Director of the Schlesinger Library. Title: "What's gender got to do with it?" topic: women's history archives. How do women's and gender issues compare with those of other underdocumented communities? What opportunities do born-digital items offer for women?

3. Wednesday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. in PAR 201. David Gracy, "What you get is not what you see..."

4. Thursday, Oct. 26, 7 p.m. CAL 100. Panel discussion on collecting and researching women's and gender issues. Sarah would like the panel to consist of two archivists and one scholar who does research on women's and gender issues and can speak to us from a research perspective. Gerianne Schaad and Karen Riles are the two archivists Sarah has in mind. Suggestions for scholar welcome and encouraged.

5. Saturday, Oct. 28, 11-6 (1-5) at the Austin History Center. Archives Clinic. possible/probably conflict with the Texas Book Festival, which is happening on that same weekend.
Funding: SAA has received donations from several sources, including the Co-op, SASI, and CWGS. Sarah has sent letters to Hollinger, Brodart, and Metal Edge. Other suggestions: ask Dean Dillon for a contribution; ask the VP for Diversity.

Committees: Sidney will head up the refreshments committee. Laurie Thompson volunteered to help her. Ben volunteered to do advertising through the AHC for the Archives Clinic. Ed volunteered to take care of the fliers. Dr. Gracy to show Ed examples of fliers from previous years.

Advertising: Will send out flier with press release to local women's organizations. The banner space above 21st street has already been booked by someone else during Archives Week, so we need to think of another way to be visible. Dr. Gracy mentioned that in the last one of the local tv stations has done a Saturday morning program from the Austin History Center. The group also discussed contacting News Channel 8, the Statesman, the Austin Chronicle, the Daily Texan, kut, and other local media outlets. Also remember to send an ad to the GSC.

IV. Other

Eighteen new members have joined our student chapter. We have tons of SAA coffee mugs for sale.

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


Copyright ©2004 School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
Last updated December 24, 2006