Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter








Next meeting TBA

Present: Carol Mead, Charles Hargrove, Becky Romanchuk, Heather Arnold, Sue Soy, and Dr. David B. Gracy II

I. Meeting called to order by Carol Mead, president, at 5:30 pm.

II. Archives Week

  1. Additional speaker
    Becky Tousey, archivist at Kraft Foods, will speak on topics related to corporate archives and technology at 6:30pm Wednesday October 17th.

  2. Fundraising
    Becky reported that Janet Mayhew of Iron Mountain Consulting Services and John Lyon of Iron Mountain Records Management will each have their departments contribute $100 to Archives Week. She will continue contacting other potential donors.

    Carol reported that James Hamilton of Chase Bank of Texas and Paul Scott, records manager for Harris County, will each be contributing money to Archives Week, though the amounts are not yet known.

  3. Mugs, magnets, posters
    After discussion of whether text referring to Archives Week 2001 should be on the coffee mugs we will be ordering, all agreed with Charles' and Dr. Gracy's suggestion that the mugs carry the Mrs. Eberley cannon image with caption explaining the image, and the slogan, "Archives~Worth Fighting For!" with the text, "Society of American Archivists, Student Chapter, University of Texas at Austin" beneath it. We had previously been considering making the mug a souvenir of this year's Archives Week in particular, but after discussion it was decided that a more general Archives mug would appeal to a greater number of people over a longer timeframe. Carol has priced these mugs at 89 cents each with a minimum order of 144, totaling $128. This price will be good until Aug 31st, afterwards rising to $1 per mug. Dr. Gracy's preference of sepia as the color to be used on the mug was seconded by all. Sales of the mug can extend beyond Archives Week by offering them through the SAA-UT website. Price will be set at about $5 per mug plus postage if it is to be mailed.

    Carol priced magnets at 31 cents each, minimum order of 500, totaling $155. Several of us felt that since the magnets would be a giveaway item that the cost would be better directed toward ensuring an eye-catching and durable poster.

    Amy has the figures on poster specifications and costs if ordered or self-made at Kinko's. We will ask her to finalize these details so that we can proceed with printing. After consulting last year's committee reports, Carol found that fewer that 100 posters would serve our needs.

  4. Publicity, Proclamation
    Charles and Joel, recently returned from internships, will begin planning publicity. Charles asked what should be touted as our main event for publicity purposes. We decided the archives clinic should be used for public media outlets, and our speakers should be emphasized for student-oriented media outlets.

    Carol has scheduled our Archives Week proclamation for Thursday, October 11, 2001 at the Lower Colorado River Authority complex where city commission meetings are held. As many officers as are able will attend.

  5. Clinic
    Amy is in charge of coordinating the archives clinic at the Austin History Center. Sue reminded us that AHC provided some of the materials used as examples at last year's clinic, and that the PCS students brought other examples. The hours set for the clinic are 10am to 3pm.

  6. Mixer
    Jennifer emailed Margaret Schlankey and her husband about coordinating our mixer with the Austin Archivists' mixer, but she has had no response. Sue recalled that Margaret will be on vacation during Archives Week. We decided that we will cancel the mixer since we have three speakers now instead of two. If we decide to put the mixer back on the schedule, we will keep Scholz's in mind.

  7. Rooms and times
    Carol has booked Sanchez 556 for Tuesday the 16th, Sanchez 464 for Wednesday the 17th, and Sanchez 468 for Thursday the 18th, all from 6:00 to 7:45 to allow time for set-up and wind-down for each program.

  8. Web page
    Heather will place a link from the SAA-UT homepage to the Archives Week web page. She will have the AW web page up within two weeks.

III. Other Fall Events

Becky will post reminders on the SAA listserv about the potluck at Dr. Gracy's. Larry Hackman has been in contact with Dr. Gracy but we do not yet have a commitment from him for a speaking engagement.

IV. Sue Soy - AHC events

Volunteer opportunities exist for Photo Heritage Day, Saturday, October 13th at the Little Walnut Creek Library, and for StoryFest, Saturday, November 3rd at AHC. Starting September 1st, the online exhibit Austin Treasures will be up, featuring ten different exhibits on Austin history.

V. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 pm.

Minutes submitted by Becky Romanchuk on 29 August 2001.

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


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Last updated February 1, 2004