Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter








Next meeting TBA

Present: Carol Mead, Charles Hargrove, Becky Romanchuk, Joel Minor, Amy Braitsch, Jennifer Hecker, Heather Arnold, Dr. David B. Gracy II, Erin Lawrimore, Molly Wheeler

I. Meeting called to order by Carol Mead, president, at 5:20 pm.

II. Archives Week

  1. Posters
    Carol and Amy went to Kinko's and printed mock-ups of a large-size poster and 8.5'x 11' handouts. Colors chosen for the handouts are green, blue/purple, red, lavender, yellow, peach and parchment. After discussion about the best color to use for the large-size poster, we accepted Dr. Gracy's suggestion of bright yellow for maximum eye-catching quality. We plan to print 20 of the large poster ($4.95 each) and 50 of the handouts (11 cents each). Board members need to coordinate where and by whom the posters and handouts will be distributed.

  2. Publicity
    Charles has arranged with Patricia Fraga, public relations person for the Austin Public Libraries, to distribute our press release for the Public Archives Clinic through APL's fax system to a wide variety of media outlets. He has sent her the press release, but as of this meeting he had not yet heard back from her. The press release is modeled after last year's release for this event. Ms. Fraga is a friend of Jane Grieg and will ask her to plug the clinic in her newspaper column. Ms. Fraga is also planning to have a link on the APL web site to our Archives Week web site, and the Austin History Center may do the same.

    AHC's Photo Heritage Day, a call to the public to have their photographs copied for inclusion in AHC's photograph collection, will be held at the Little Walnut Creek branch the Saturday before our clinic. This may be a good opportunity to spread the word about our clinic the next week, but people might also be reluctant to attend a similar event so soon.

    Joel has posted Archives Week information on the Austin360 web site. He has also written a press release that covers all of our Archives Week events and has written a letter to the editor of the Austin American-Statesman about our events. He plans to contact the Daily Texan also. Erin suggested contacting Channel 8, who is always looking for local events to plug, and the Community Calendar channel.

    Charles hopes to get a list of local archivists from Margaret Schlankey's husband in order to inform them of our Archives Week events. Dr. Gracy and Jennifer Hecker will attend the ARMA meeting tomorrow and publicize our events there.

    Heather needs all of our press releases and our poster so that she can post them on our web site. Hard copies of these documents also need to be put in our chapter's archive. Dr. Gracy has previous years' material in electronic form if they are needed for the UT-SAA web site. Membership updates also need to be given to Heather for posting on the web site.

  3. Clinic
    Amy and Charles met with AHC personnel about the clinic on September 14 and were very pleased with the level of assistance AHC will be giving us. Sue Soy will arrive early at the Center so that we can set up our tables and supplies before the clinic begins at 10am. We will have a table with free handouts, a laptop for Internet access to help answer questions beyond our knowledge, a table of books covering conservation topics, and a table of examples of damaged materials. Supplies on hand will include Mylar sleeves, gloves, bone folders, and various conservation tools. Refreshments will be placed in the staff area away from the clinic itself. We hope to especially emphasize the damage that commonplace tools such as adhesive tape and metal attaching devices (staples, paper clips) can do to materials. Volunteer sign-up will take place in Preservation and Archives classes about three weeks before the clinic, and Amy will continue speaking with students and professors in PCS for their advice and assistance at the clinic.

  4. Fundraising Updates
    Carol informed us that the Vice President of Chase Bank of Austin is contributing $100, and the Bank will provide matching funds, for a total of $200. Conservation Resources will also contribute. Becky reported that the Consulting Services and Records Management sections of Iron Mountain are each donating $100, and Larry Gates of Metal Edge is giving $250. Donations total stands at $650 plus the amount Conservation Resources will give. Each donor will receive a poster and mug along with our thanks, as well as being on our list of sponsors on the poster.

  5. Board Attendance at AW Events and Proclamation
    Carol asks that each board member notify her of their planned attendance at each AW event.

III. Mugs Update

Carol has sent the design to the shop printing the mugs. They will be white with brown printing and will be ready for pickup in three weeks.

IV. Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm

Minutes submitted by Becky Romanchuk on September 22, 2001.

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


Copyright ©2004 School of Information, University of Texas at Austin
Last updated February 1, 2004