Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter








Next meeting TBA

Present: Carol Mead, Becky Romanchuk, Amy Braitsch, Jennifer Hecker, Heather Arnold, and Dr. David B. Gracy II

I. Meeting called to order by Carol Mead, president, at 5:15.

II. Planned Attendance at Archives Week events

  1. Proclamation, 10/11/01 5:30pm at Conley-Guerrero Senior Activity Center, 808 Niles Rd.: Carol, Becky, Heather, Jennifer (maybe)
  2. Monday 10/15/01 6:30pm in Sanchez 556, Terry Thompson, archivist for the Anglican Communion of Canada: Carol, Amy, Jennifer, Heather, Dr. Gracy
  3. Tuesday 10/16/01 6:30pm in Sanchez 556, Debbie Carter, archivist for the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum: Carol, Becky, Jennifer, Dr. Gracy
  4. Wednesday 10/17/01 6:30pm in Sanchez 464, Becky Tousey, Managing Archivist of Kraft Foods International and GSLIS alum: Carol, Amy, Dr. Gracy
  5. Thursday 10/18/01 6:30pm in Sanchez 468, Sue Kriegsman, Operations Director, Colorado Digitization Project: Carol, Becky, Amy, Jennifer, Dr. Gracy
  6. Saturday 10/19/01 10am-3pm at the Austin History Center for the Public Archives Clinic: Carol, Charles, Becky, Amy, Jennifer, Dr. Gracy

III. Proclamation

Carol will present our poster to the City Commission and invite all there to attend our events. A videocassette of the event will be available for us. Heather is asked to bring her digital camera.

IV. Banner Hanging

We will hang our Archives Week banner Sunday 10/14/01 at 5pm instead of at 6pm as is currently noted on our web site. Jennifer will bring extra rope. We may celebrate with dinner afterward.

V. Dinner for guest speakers

We will leave it to each speaker to decide whether she would like to go out to dinner with Dr. Gracy (and any of us who so wish) after her talk.

VI. Archives Clinic

Amy reports that all of our volunteer slots are filled for the Clinic.

VII. Mugs

  1. Over 36 mugs are at Carol's house, and Dr. Gracy has about 34 mugs in his office. Costs and materials needed for shipping mugs needs to be researched. Charles may be looking into>Sue Soy will have mugs at AHC to sell.

VIII. Larry Hackman

Since his original talk at the LBJ was cancelled due to the September 11 attacks and the resulting flight difficulties, Larry Hackman finds that the week after Thanksgiving is the only time he can make it to speak to GSLIS. We have decided that we cannot guarantee good attendance at that crucial point in the semester, and so we will not have Mr. Hackman come to speak this semester.

IX. Other news

  1. After seeing our press release, Heather White of News Channel 8 contacted Carol about covering our Archives Clinic on the station's Campus Beat segment. The interview must be scheduled for tomorrow. Amy, Carol, and Dr. Gracy plan to meet Ms. White at the paper lab in CDL for the interview. Jennifer and Charles may be able to attend as well, or in someone's stead.
  2. Dr. Gracy will provide transport for all of our speakers.
  3. Debbie Carter has not replied to emails or phone calls from Charles or Carol recently. Dr. Gracy will look into it.

X. Meeting adjourned at 5:50pm

Minutes submitted by Becky Romanchuk on October 16, 2001.

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


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Last updated February 1, 2004