Diverse Personnel in Libraries
Life History
Oral Historians: Tasks and Roles
Oral History
Oral History: Definitions
Shared Authority
Spectrum Initiative
- "Until there are ample supplies of trained ethnic-minority professionals to meet local demand, we must continue to encourage improvisation and innovation in delivering library service." i
- “I can’t think of a better place to put your personal energy and your personal dollars than in recruitment and specifically into minority recruitment.” ii
- “The problem is that the real quality people don’t see the library profession as the place to be, particularly blacks and Hispanics.” iii
- “The Spectrum Initiative will have a ripple effect, with each scholar finding at least five people to talk to about librarianship or information science as a career.” iv
i Gomez, Martin, "Who is Most Qualified to Serve our Ethnic-Minority Communities?" American Libraries 31 (11) December 2000, 41.
ii William Gordon in “William R. Gordon Speaks: That’s “Mr. Gordon” to You,” American Libraries 33 (7) (August 2002), 95.
iii Althea Jenkins in St. Lifer, Evan and Corinne Nelson, “Unequal Opportunities: Race Does Matter,” Library Journal 122 (November 1, 1997), 45.
iv Beatriz Pascual in Watkins, Christine, “A Community Mirror: Reflections on the Color of Librarianship,” American Libraries 30 (10) (November 1999), 65.