Diverse Personnel in Libraries
Life History
Oral Historians: Tasks and Roles
Oral History
Oral History: Definitions
Shared Authority
Spectrum Initiative
“`The people you interview become your teachers." i
"Each person is a crossroads of many potential stories, of possibilities
imagined and not taken, of dangers skirted and barely avoided.” ii
“One of the embarrassments of field work has been the fact of
always looking for the “old folks”; we need not reverse this
approach to start looking only for young people, bu tit is important to
be aware that the young also are bearers of class culture and memory,
and may suggest reinterpretations of the past.” iii
i (Sual Benison, interviewed by Studs Terkel) “It’s Not the Song, It’s the Singing: Panel Discussion on Oral History,” In Grele, Ronald J., Envelopes of Sound: The Art of Oral History 2nd ed (Chicago: Precedent Publishing, 1985), 56.
ii Portelli, Alessandro (The Battle of Valle Guilia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1997), 58.
iii Portelli, Alessandro (The Battle of Valle Guilia: Oral History and the Art of Dialogue. Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1997), 239.