Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter








Present: Carol Mead, Charles Hargrove, Becky Romanchuk, Joel Minor, Amy Braitsch, Molly Wheeler, Heather Arnold, Stephen Naron, Ben Stone, Trish Nugent, Traci Drummond, Dixie Owen, Erin Lawrimore, Addy Sonder, Eleanor Lisney, Dr. David B. Gracy II

I. Meeting called to order by Carol Mead, president, at 5:45pm.

II. Paul Wilson party

Eleanor came to tell us about her plan to have a going-away party for Dr. Paul Wilson who will be returning to Australia this May at the end of his visiting professorship in GSLIS. She suggests having the event at her apartment complex's party room which is well-equipped, is on the shuttle route and has plenty of parking space. The fee for using the room is only ten dollars. We settled on the date of May 5, a Sunday, from 2-5pm, to make the party convenient for Paul's wife and young daughter to attend. Dr. Gracy told us of plans that Dr. Hallmark is making for having a similar party for Dr. Wilson; we will wait on our own preparations until we find out more.

III. Mugs

Charles brought our mug printed last fall and an example of our new mug. The color of the printing is brown instead of the sepia tone on the old mug (this printer could not do sepia) and the Mrs. Eberly image is much better defined than before, due to the use of a decal instead of silk-screening. Our order was not sent to the factory for production when promised, however, and we will have to wait ten more days before they are ready. Charles asked us if we thought asking for a discount because of this mistake would be fair. We agreed that it wouldn't hurt to try. He'll ask for a waiver of the shipping fee or for a greater number of mugs. He also said that this shop has many other promotional items that can be personalized, so Dr. Gracy and the new board should keep them in mind for future needs.

IV. Constitution

At our last meeting we voted to change our constitution and by-laws in respect to when our elections are held and how much annual dues are. Heather consulted our constitution for the procedure it requires for such changes and informed us that a proposal must be submitted in writing to the president and that the president must then submit the proposal to the membership at least two weeks before a meeting held to vote on the matter. A two-thirds majority vote is required to pass the amendment or change. Becky will send the proposal for the changes to Carol, who will then post the proposal on the student chapter list serve. She will place a voting box in the IT lab and Becky will print voting slips to be put beside it.

V. Lee Miller's talk, April 2

Lee Miller's talk on resumes for archivists will begin at 5pm and likely run until 6:15 or so. Dr. Gracy will be taking him to dinner afterward and everyone who would like to attend is invited. Several of us raised our hands that we'd like to go along, so a reservation will be made at the Hyde Park Bar& Grill or the Eastside Cafe.

VI. Year-end party

Charles offers his house as the site for our year-end party. We will wait to do actual planning until we know how we are proceeding with our party for Dr. Wilson.

VII. Committee Reports

Carol reminds us to write our Archives Week committee reports before the semester is through.

VIII. Other Business

Amy says about fifteen people have registered to attend Lee Miller's talk so far. She'll post a reminder tomorrow to our list and GLISSA's list and will do so again the day before the event.

Dr.Gracy would like to meet with any students interested in discussing the current curriculum and the proposed changes to it. He set a tentative date of Tuesday, April 23 from 3:30-5:00, a time when Archives and Records faculty regularly get together.

IX. Individual meetings

Members of the current board then met with their counterparts of next year's board to pass on information about duties.

X. Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.

Minutes submitted by Becky Romanchuk on March 27, 2002

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Society of American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


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Last updated February 1, 2004