Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter







Society of American Archivists University of Texas Student Chapter
Membership Meeting
September 28, 2007, 5 p.m.

Meeting Called to Order at 5:00pm by Adam Knowles.

In Attendance: Amy Armstrong, Secretary
Tamsen Conner
Nicole Davis
Jessi Fishman
Dr. Pat Galloway
Robert Gates
Amanda Graham
Melissa Guy, Vice President
Monica Haddad, Events Chair
Karyn Jones
Adam Knowles, President
Ancelyn Krivak
Danna Lamb
Brian McNerney
Sarah Potvin
Shelley Rowland
Laurel Rozema, Web Master
Simon Staats
Alta Valliant
Ashlynn Wicke, Treasurer

I.Archives Week Panel Update, Tuesday, October --, 7pm
The following speakers have been confirmed: Dr. Philip Doty, School of Information Faculty; Stephen Mielke, librarian, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center; and Regina Greenwell, LBJ Library. The panel will last approximately 90 minutes and the format will be a brief introduction and each speaker will have about 5-10 minutes to present information, then questions will be taken from the audience. SAA Members should come prepared with some questions for the panelists. Adam will ask all speakers about any AV/equipment requirements. The location for the panel still needs to be secured and in order of preference include: HRC Auditorium, Architecture Room (building?), AVAYA Auditorium in 2.302 A.C.E.S., and Calhoun 100. The chapter will purchase food for a small reception following the event.
II.Nancy Zimmelman Lenoil & Dr. Donna Guy Transportation
Nancy’s travel plans have changed and she will now be staying in Austin Sunday through Tuesday. The chapter will need to pay for the hotel accommodations for the additional night. Volunteers are needed to drive the speakers to and from the airport, to speaking engagements, and possibly other places depending on their itineraries. Melissa will be providing transportation for Dr. Guy. Adam will get additional information in order to schedule drivers.
III. Financial Update
The History Department is making all of Dr. Guy’s travel and accommodation arrangements and the chapter will reimburse the department for our portion of the expenses. Last year, the key speakers were given a $300 honorarium. The chapter will also need to purchase small gifts for the panel speakers. At the next meeting, Ashlynn will present a current Archives Week budget that will list current balance, all expenses, and the amount received from financial sponsorships. A complete list of sponsors is needed and will be provided for the next meeting so the publicity committee can finalize all promotional materials.
IV.Publicity Update
Except for the sponsor list and the location of the panel, all information is ready for the posters and press release. Trisha Frasier of the Austin Public Library has a draft of the press release which will be released on October 1 once all the sponsor and speakers’ title information is finalized. Ellen Cunningham-Kruppa has agreed to give an interview and tour of the Kilgarlin Center for a live broadcast for Fox news. The Daily Texan is also interested in writing a story. A list of places to advertise on campus and in the community needs to be created. This includes department listservs and locations to post flyers on campus. Amy and Ancelyn volunteered to create a list and will distribute it at the next meeting. Melissa is coordinating Dr. Guy’s PR for all of her UT events and will promote the Archives Week events at the same time. Melissa will also submit this information to the daily Campus Events email. Adam volunteered to write a standard statement that can be used for all emails, etc.
V. Next Meeting:
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 5:00pm in Sanchez 556.

Meeting Adjourned: 5:35pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy E. Armstrong
SAA-UT Student Chapter

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Societyof American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


Copyright ©2007 Schoolof Information, University ofTexas at Austin
Last updated Oct. 6, 2007