Society of American Archivists
University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter







Society of American Archivists University of Texas Student Chapter
Membership Meeting
October 3, 2007, 5 p.m.

Meeting Called to Order at 5:00pm by Adam Knowles.

I. Archives Week Last Minute Help
Adam asked members to supply their phone number and email address if they are willing to be called upon to provide last-minute help, such as hanging posters.
II. Financial Update
Ashlynn distributed the current SAA-UT Chapter’s budget, which listed estimated expenses and confirmed funding received for Archives Week. To date the total expenses are $2,509; the chapter has received $1,225 in grants from various organizations; SAA will pay the remaining $1,284 from its existing budget; leaving approximately $1,579.70 in the SAA-UT budget after paying Archives Week expenses. Due to Nancy Zimmelman Lenoil’s position, she is unable to accept an honorarium, so will receive a thank you gift instead.

Adam submitted the funding application for Senate of College Councils on Oct. 2nd and is scheduled for a 3 minute interview on Monday, Oct. 8th at 9:24pm. There are strict rules governing the use of this money. If received, it will be used for printing publicity posters.
III. Nancy Zimmelman Lenoil
Dr. Gracy and Adam will pick up Nancy at the airport on Sunday afternoon and there is room for an additional person. Contact Adam if interested. Volunteers may be called upon to provide additional transportation for Nancy, if needed. The chapter is tentatively planning to take Nancy to dinner on Sunday. Adam distributed an outline for Nancy’s presentation, which requires a slide projector and cassette player, which the LBJ Library doesn’t have. Monica will check on getting a projector and Shannon will bring a cassette player if it isn’t possible to get them from the ISchool. The Honorary Texas Citizenship Certificate has arrived, but a frame needs to be purchased.
IV. Dr. Donna Guy
Due to sharing expenses for Dr. Guy’s visit, the chapter is paying only $34 plus the cost of food for the dinner following the presentation and the honorarium. Originally another organization planned to have a dinner for Dr. Guy, but this is no longer possible. Therefore, the SAA-UT student chapter will take Dr. Guy to dinner on Thursday following her presentation. This invitation is open to anyone from the chapter. Melissa will also extend an invitation to Dr. Galloway, Dr. Dillon and Dr. Rice-Lively.
V. Panelist Room Reservation
Monica has been working on securing an appropriate room for the Panel Discussion. The preference of the rooms available: Pharmacy, Petroleum Engineering, and Belmont.
VI. Posters and Flyers
Robert distributed two sample posters for suggestions. About 150 posters will be needed for the kiosks and various bulletin boards around UT and in the community. Printing is pending room conformation for the panel, but it is hoped that they can be printed by Monday. Amy volunteered to send emails to identified departments, organizations, and other area schools. Adam and Melissa will write a statement for this distribution. The date on the Archives Week banner needs to be updated and reservations made for hanging it over 21st street, but it may no longer be possible to secure this spot.
VII.Media Update
The press release is ready and will be sent once the room for the panel has been confirmed. Dr. Cunningham-Kruppa will give an interview and tour of the Kilgarlin Center for Fox News and The Daily Texan is interested in writing a story.
VIII. Mayoral Proclamation
This will be on Oct. 11th at 5:30 at City Hall. All members are invited to attend and should arrive by 5:15pm. Parking is available in a garage under City Hall. Laurel stated she would accompany Adam in order to take photos.
V. Next Meeting:
Wednesday, October 3, 2007 at 5:00pm in Sanchez 556.

Meeting Adjourned: 6:00pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Amy E. Armstrong
SAA-UT Student Chapter

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Societyof American Archivists - University of Texas at Austin Student Chapter


Copyright ©2007 Schoolof Information, University ofTexas at Austin
Last updated Oct. 6, 2007