Spectrum Initiative Longitudinal Study |
About Spectrum : Timeline 1999 | |||||||
January 1999: ALA President-Elect Sarah A. Long establishes an Advisory Task Force on the Spectrum Scholarship Program, chaired by Dr. Betty Turock. 1 February 1999: Florence Brown delivers a three-hour recruitment training session, "Stop Talking and Start Doing," at the 1999 ALA Midwinter/Philadelphia. The session is co- sponsored by ALA Chapter Relations. This program will be repeated at many venues over the next year. Spring 1999: Barbara Joy Taber (1998 Spectrum Scholar) is selected as the first RUSA Intern. Spring 1999: Dr. Betty Turock serves as Chair for the 1999 Spectrum Initiative Scholarship Jury. 24 February 1999: Lucent Technologies Global Library network recruits Spectrum Scholars for a ten-week internship. March 1999: American Libraries publishes the first article on Spectrum, "Can Librarians Play Basketball?" 1 March 1999: Lillian Lewis, ALA Spectrum Staff Liaison is promoted to Deputy Director of RUSA and ASCLA. Sandra Balderrama is appointed ALA Spectrum Staff Liaison. 1 April 1999: Applications for the second year of Spectrum Scholarships are due. 18 May 1999: The University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Library and Information Studies announces that it will match two Spectrum Scholarships with tuition waivers. 18 May 1999: San Jose State University hosts a reception to honor five Spectrum Scholars attending San Jose State University's School of Library and Information Science. 25 May 1999: UCLA's Department of Information Studies establishes two $5,000 scholarships for incoming Spectrum Scholars. 27 May 1999: The University of Illinois's Graduate School of Library and Information Science provides full tuition and partial fee waivers for all admitted Spectrum Scholars. 26 May 1999: Drexel's College of Information Science and Technology provides three $5,000 scholarships to Spectrum Scholars. Spring 1999: The University of South Florida School of Library and Information Science provides a graduate assistantship and partial tuition waiver match to Spectrum Scholars. Late spring 1999: The 1999 Spectrum Initiative Scholars are announced. 2 June 1999: The School of Information Studies at Florida State University provides tuition and a graduate assistantship with stipend to Spectrum Scholar. 23-25 June 1999: The first Spectrum Leadership Institute is held at the Radisson in New Orleans, preceding the 1999 ALA Annual/New Orleans. 24 June 1999: The Chapter Relations Committee hosts the first Spectrum recruitment training workshop at 1999 ALA Annual/New Orleans. This one-day recruitment train-the-trainer program ("Recruiting for Diversity: Spectrum and Beyond") is presented for representatives of ALA Divisions, Chapters, Roundtables and associations of librarians of color. 25 June 1999: ALA President-Elect Sarah A. Long and Dr. Betty J. Turock host a Spectrum fund-raising rally at 1999 ALA Annual/New Orleans. 13 September 1999: Tamika Barnes (1998 Spectrum Scholar) and Jamal Cromity (1998 Spectrum Scholar) are speakers at the North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) Round Table for Ethnic Minority Concerns luncheon. September 1999: ALA President Sarah Ann Long's column, "The Spectrum Initiative Needs You," is published. September 1999: American Libraries publishes the list of donors to Spectrum through the Fund for America's Libraries. October 1999: The University of Missouri-Columbia School of Information Science and Learning Technologies offers matching support for Spectrum Scholars in the form of a $5,000 matching scholarship/assistantship including tuition remission. October 1999: The University of Maryland Libraries, Friends of University of Maryland Libraries, and the Libraries' Diversity Committee holds a reception honoring award winners including Spectrum Scholars attending the University of Maryland and Catholic University. October 1999: The Kentucky Library Association donates $75.00 to the Spectrum Initiative. December 1999: Spectrum Initiative pledge cards and full-page advertisement appear in American Libraries.