Consulting Work:

rb farnesse piazza - limoncello I also conduct independent usability consulting, providing HCI design, UI evaluation, user-center design training, and usability advocacy. Please call me if you think you might want some help with your web site or other user interface.

Representative Engagements:

Companies served include a wide range of companies, from corporate giants like IBM and Dell, to Internet companies like Forgent, to public utilities companies like CPS Energy, to educational efforts like the UT Health Science Center library web site and the University of Texas Distance Education Center.


  • Requirements gathering and prioritization
  • HCI design
  • Usability evaluation
  • Organizing to maximize effectiveness
  • ROI


  • Have experience with all state-of-the-art usability/UX methods
  • Provide reports with embedded video clips
  • Work with the team to build a usability test plan that suits their needs
  • Gain approval of all stakeholders to ensure maximal receptivity and effectiveness
  • Leave behind expertise that can continue to carry the user-centered design ball forward

A couple of creative ideas:

  • Usability on spec - If you think you don't have the money to invest in usability engineering, I will offer you my services for no money up front, but for a small percentage of the resultant savings or increased revenue, to be calculated in a way we both agree on in advance.
  • Remote mentoring - Do you have a young usability team that would benefit from a more experienced person reviewing their test plans and test reports, making recommendations regarding organizational placement, or advising on how to get the best bang for their usability buck? I would be happy to serve as that person, based on primarily electronic contacts.
Call or email me at to discuss your needs.
References upon request.