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INF 389J - Appraisal and Selection of Records, Spring 2015, unique#27885 - Textbooks
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Texts (order as soon as you meet the first class)

Antoinette Burton (ed.), Archive Stories: Facts, Fictions and the Writing of History (Duke, 2005). Check online (available on Kindle for $14.95, paperback for 21.82 new; Amazon has free postage for textbooks).

Terry Cook (ed.), Controlling the Past: Documenting Society and Institutions (SAA, 2011). Won't be available for any better price than from SAA; discount if you are an SAA member and order from SAA: List $56 Member $39.95.

Available as an e-book from PCL:

Barbara Craig, Archival Appraisal, Theory and Practice (Munich, 2004).

Other readings:

Available on Canvas or direct from the journal sites through the PCL catalog or directly online as listed.