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INF388E (unique #27315) and INF350G (unique #27135) - Historical Museums: Context and Practice, Fall 2019, - Textbooks
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Texts for the course will all be available through Canvas or the Library for periodicals.

There are, however, a group of books that you may find useful because they are collections of selected museum materials:

Ivan Karp, et al. (eds.). Exhibiting Cultures (Washington: Smithsonian, 1991)

Ivan Karp, et al. (eds). Museums and Communities (Washington:, Smithsonian, 1992).

Ivan Karp, Corinne Kratz, Lynn Szwaja, Tomas Ybarra-Frausto (eds.), Museum Frictions: Public Cultures/Global Transformations (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006)

Bettina Messias Carbonell (ed.), Museum Studies: An Anthology of Contexts (Oxford: Blackwell, 2012; this is the second edition but the first edition is pretty much the same).


