Fall 2022

INF 385S Digital Libraries

Unique ID: 28510


09:00 AM - 12:00 PM  SRH 1.208


This course explores the life cycle of a digital library/collection through various critical lenses and hands-on experiences. The objective of the course is for students to obtain a solid understanding of the theoretical frameworks, technical processes, and technologies needed to build meaningful, ethical, and reusable digital libraries.


This course explores the life cycle of a digital library/collection through various critical lenses and hands-on experiences. The objective of the course is for students to obtain a solid understanding of the theoretical frameworks, technical processes, and technologies needed to build meaningful, relevant, and ethical digital libraries.


Graduate standing.


Restricted to graduate degree seekers in the School of Information during registration periods 1 and 2. Remaining seats will be made available to outside students on August 19th. Interested non-iSchool students may request a seat reservation by completing this Registration Support Questionnaire.